Meet Randi

It all started as a hobby...

Our story began in 2015 in a small studio apartment in Madison, WI. With a very old MacBook and a free space on the kitchen counter, our brand was born. We had a cat named Pistol. He lived up to his name and we ended up naming our first business after him, Pistol Prints. Since then, we've moved to Dallas, TX for a few years, then back to Madison, WI and got married. Then visited CO for our honeymoon and we fell in love. We are so grateful to now be residents of Colorado Springs. Our passion for unique design and creativity brought our products and services to life.

A total design nerd and need for creative outlet, Randi Rae (our owner) hangs her beanie in Colorado Springs. She lives with her husband, Van, and her precious puggles, Peaches and Pete. When she’s not following a creative brainstorm, she loves all things graphic design, new restaurants and hanging with her pals.

Randi Van Horn

Social Media Strategist | Graphic Designer

"I pride myself in putting forth exceptional work. Whether it be a t-shirt, social media post, logo design, or branding package, I am a perfectionist and will only finalize on what I am happy with or proud to call mine. I am known for being transparent and dependable. I always answer my phone...

That is unless I am showering or yelling at my two puggles. I enjoy assisting small businesses with time saving tips & tricks that I wish I knew when I was starting my small businesses in 2015. I hope you enjoy my shop and please feel free to reach out with any questions - I'm an open book."

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